News ID: 1529
Publish Date : 01 January 2018 - 11:22

Number Of Plug-In EVs On Roads Worldwide Now Exceeds 3 Million

Through the end of November 2017, we are certain that the world’s fleet of plug-in electric vehicles have exceeded a level of 3 million.
Khodrocar - This year;s plug-in sales alone already exceed one million, which means that with expected sales of well over 1.7-2.0 million in 2018, we should top ~5 million by the end of 2018.

Currently, EV Sales Blog tally mentions 3.3 million through the end of November.

Many new, better models are coming to the market – while incentives keep gaining strength; this is why we shouldn’t expect anything other than rapid growth … on average of 50-100% annually for quite some time.

With around 80 million cars sold every year worldwide, plug-ins are becoming more and more important.

Here is how The Guardian visualises growth of sales driven mainly by China:

Source: Inside EVs